3 Ingredients of Building Highly Effective Teams

The key ingredients leaders must prepare to build great teams

Leon Liu
4 min readApr 13, 2021

I’m recently casted to investigate and fix culture issues, which are known to be the hardest and trickiest bugs to fix than actual product bugs that can be measured, reproduced, and tested with engineering tools. An unfortunate team worked hard on its goals for a year but ended up with people leaving the team. What’s the fix?

Over 5 Years ago, when I worked at Google I read an article, “What Google Learned From Its Quest to Build the Perfect Team”. A researcher analyzed data from 180 teams internally and identified the most important factors toward building a highly effective team. Not too surprisingly, on top of the list, it is Trust and Psychological Safety.

The world is a dangerous place. Thousands of years ago, a leader from our human race is someone who can draw people into a circle of trust and safety, an individual must trust another person to be the night guard to watch for wild animals and enemies, so they can take turns to sleep and to protect their offsprings.

However, we’ve all seen movies where a few people in a survival group started fighting with each other for food, recognition, or rank. When we fight with each other, we are forced to spend our time and energy to…



Leon Liu

Engineer / Speaker / Leader / Diver / Pilot / Investor / Life-long Learner / Father of Two